Shonen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru
The story begins when Fujimaru was a little baby. His mother put him in a basket while she was working in the country. Suddenly, the baby was kidnapped by an eagle, but Sasuke, a samurai, recovers the baby and takes him as a disciple.
Fujimaru grows until he becomes a gifted young man who can control the wind by learning ninjitsu. He knows two strong techniques: 'multiplication' (which allows him to confuse his enemies by creating illusions of himself) and 'leaves' (which helps him to run away behind a wind swirl).
Fujimaru has two goals: to see his mother again and to find the 'Ryuen
Book', a handwritten parchment that contains great but dangerous
techniques. Fujimaru's main enemy is Japusai, a master of fire techniques who is also searching for the parchment.
In the end, Fujimaru attains both goals: he runs into his mother and finds the parchment, but he decides to destroy it because it would be too dangerous in Japusai's hands. Awesome collection of exotic anime and manga wallpapers