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Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Empty2011-01-18, 11:24
المشاركة رقم:

Danny Ghost

إحصائية العضو

الجنس : ذكر
المساهمات : 288
نقاط : 512
العمر : 26
السمعة : 0
مُساهمةموضوع: Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Winborg-xp-december-readnfosoporific-1

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

THANKS TO ....... BartOfBorg

ده غير الي بيترفع في اي حته تاني لان معاها تعريفات وبرامج جديده ترضي كل
الاذواق وحسب الاختيار مش اجباري وده بيسهل ان كنت تحبها خام او ببرامج
وتعريفات ومتاكتفه والصور خير دليل

WinBorg XP Builder

For those not familiar with Winborg XP, see below for details of the December 2010 release.

What is the Winborg XP Builder?

I dunno 'bout you, but i find it
pretty hard to make decisions on what to include and what to leave off
each and every Winborg XP disc i release. The choices are many! Update
Packs, NLite tweaks, RVM addons, Driverpacks, Driverpack defaults,
post-install hotfixes, post-install apps, Apps library contents,
wallpapers, themes, setup music, and more! Rather than let me decide,
why don't you decide?

I have written the builder so anyone can build their own WinBorg XP DVD.
well, nearly everyone - please see the requirements below. If you
simply want to use the default settings -- download the builder, run it,
and make your DVD image. This will be exactly as if i built the image
and released it. Or, you can use the Builder Options utility and totally
customize the DVD for your own needs.


1) System requirements

* a windows machine -- the builder
will only work on a Windows system (it uses Windows scripting). I have
only tested this on an XP machine, but i can't see any reason why it
won't also work on Vista and Win7 machines. Please report your
experiences with using the Builder on PCs with these OSes.
* English language -- i'm pretty sure you will need to use an English OS
in order for all the scripting to work. Feel free to try this out in a
VM with a different language OS and report your experiences.
* Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 or higher is needed for some of the programs the builder uses
* 10 gigs of space - the builder will contain nearly 10 gigs of data by the time it has finished.

2) Preparation

* Extract contents of the released file into a new folder.

* Run Builder_Options.exe -- this is a script that acts like a guided
tour of all the things you can customize on the DVD, and will also help
keep it updated. It will open each folder location for you, open any
readme.txt files you need to read, and URL shortcuts are provided to
check for updates. Just run it and follow the prompts.

3) Using the Builder

* Winborg_Builder.exe -- this is the file to
run when you want to start building. You have the option of running it
in Auto mode, or Step-by-Step mode. Auto will run the scripts without
stopping until the section where you are asked if you want to make the
DVD image. Step-by-Step mode allows you to step thru the 25 sections
that comprise the builder. If you need to stop the build in the middle,
or want to start from a particular step, you can.

* Clear_Build.exe -- this is a small utility that will clear out any
build files from any previous builds. This is actually a part of
Winborg_Builder.exe but i have made it a stand-alone utility in order to
easily clear a build. I use it when i am moving the build folder from
one location to another (eg from Home to Work). Without it, you will be
carrying around extra files you don't need to lug around.

* settings.ini -- this is the settings file for Winborg_Builder.exe --
with this file you can set the work directory. This is useful if you
have 2 or more physical HDDs -- set the work folder to a different drive
than the one holding the build files.

* Build_log.txt -- this is a time-stamped log file produced as the
builder runs. It is useful for trouble-shooting and will also provide
the time it takes to perform each step.

4 different flavours of Windows XP Professional SP3 to choose from:
the choices involve whether you want:
to use the driverpacks
to install the OS without any tweaks or addons
to install either the standard tweaked OS or the WinBorg one. See below for more info on the differences.

There's a tools menu available with a choice set of tools to help you with your hardware if need be.

If you want to build your own Winborg XP grab the builder, if you are
happy with the pre-prepared version then grab the latest pre-built

What is Winborg XP?

If you boot with this DVD and start
one of the setup routines, this will clean install a corporate edition
of Windows XP Pro SP3 updated to the month of release. The aim is for
you to be able to stick this DVD in, quickly get setup running, and then
when setup finally stops, your computer is ready to use. There are no
steps in between, you don't need to do a thing, you get a fully
unattended installation of everything. This means all your device
drivers installed and no critical updates need installing. You just sit
back and enjoy the ride.

Actually, there are some options you can select, in particular, the
Driver Packs Selector is something you'll want to look out for as the
operating system is installed because you can choose extra driver packs
that aren't selected by default and you can also un-select some to save
some time for the install. You can also set the type of screen
resolution you have - standard or widescreen - this will make the end
result a lot more satisfying to gaze upon.

The install theme

The setup billboard screen theme has been split in 2. The first part is Matrix inspired while the second is all about the Borg.


The driverpacks and screen
resolution selection utility starts after your PC first reboots during
the installation of the operating system. This is a good thing to watch
out for because you can select extra driverpacks that aren't selected by
default (as shown below). It starts after your PC reboots for the first
time during setup (after the blue screen part). New in the November
edition of Winborg XP is the PhysX driverpack which provides extra juicy
drivers for the latest graphics cards.

You can also set the style of your screen resolution. For extra impact
of your new operating system right out of the box, please set this to
your usual screen resolution. There are only 2 options - Standard and
Widescreen. Hopefully you all know which is which Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Wink
-- if you don't and you have a widescreen monitor, the resolution is
automatically set to 1024 x 768 (or higher) and this may not look very
good. You can simply change it in Display Setting like normal, i'm just
saying here that it will aid in giving you the pleasure of a good
looking PC when setup is all finished

The OS is Windows XP Professional with SP3 v5512 integrated. You should
not need to download any further hotfixes, and you should be able to
'validate' at any time with any OS you install from this DVD. When you
visit Windows Update, you do not have to download or install anything in
order to use it, the necessary files have already been integrated.

OS Options

There are 4 OS options to choose from when you want to install the OS:

option 1 - Windows XP Professional SP3 with updated OS components only
option 2 - Windows XP Professional SP3 with minimal tweaks and add-ons
option 3 - Windows XP Professional SP3 with essential tweaks and add-ons
option 4 - WinBorg XP Professional SP3 with recommended tweaks and add-ons

The main differences regard which add-ons are installed:

add-ons slipstreamed into this release

1st OS option

2nd OS option
- all 1st OS option add-ons plus:


3rd OS option
- all 1st & 2nd OS option add-ons plus:


4th OS option
- all 1st, 2nd, & 3rd OS option add-ons plus:


Post-Install Applications Menu

- you can choose groups of selections or you can go through the menu and choose for yourself.
- all your selections are silently installed, you don't need to do
nothin with serials, cracks or anything else, all are ready to use after
rebooting your PC.

Applications menu list

Known Issues:

* Winamp is incorrectly configured in the apps menu, so it won't launch
when you select it. Instead, manually start the launcher from the folder
on the DVD.

* this edition of Winborg XP was supposed to be branded as "December
2010" but instead the end text file says that it is the Builder Edition
of Winborg XP, and this is also in the General tab info of My Computer
properties. Oops.


CRC32: 23003C17
MD5: 76F10242661B7666FAAFDC461287D3C8
SHA-1: 877CA9136FD6EBACC272FA870BFE3429AEC74690

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Bootmenu

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Installmenu

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Toolmenu

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Installtheme

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Driverpacks

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Setupend

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Appsmenu

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Desktop1jb

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

الموضوع الأصلي : Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD // المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: Danny Ghost

توقيع : Danny Ghost


Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Empty2011-01-19, 12:27
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

الجنس : ذكر
المساهمات : 1473
نقاط : 1732
العمر : 28
السمعة : 0
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD


الموضوع الأصلي : Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD // المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: Mina

توقيع : Mina


Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Empty2011-06-11, 18:38
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

شكرا لكـ

الموضوع الأصلي : Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD // المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: ????

توقيع : ????


Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Empty2012-07-16, 09:15
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

تسلم يا غالي

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تقبل مروري


الموضوع الأصلي : Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD // المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: ????

توقيع : ????


Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD Empty2013-06-12, 01:39
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

الجنس : ذكر
المساهمات : 6272
نقاط : 2147483647
السمعة : -8
http://www.ebda3net.com الابداع نت
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD

شكرا لك .الله يعطيك العافيه

الموضوع الأصلي : Win Borg XP January-2011 DVD // المصدر : منتديات أحلى حكاية // الكاتب: MĜїúÕ

توقيع : MĜїúÕ


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