جميع شقرات لعبه claw كامله + شفرات تخطى المراحل
captain claw
على الرغم من ان اللعبة قديمة الا انها من احب واشهر
الالعاب لدى اللاعبين حتى الان
صور لللعبة
لتحميل اللعبة
اضغــــط هنـــــــا
حجم اللعبة 51.5mg
شفرات اللعبة
-------- Fire Sword
MPPENGUIN -------- Ice Sword
MPFRANKLIN - Lightning Sword
MPJORDAN ----- Super Jump
MPVADER ----- Invincibility
MPSHADOW ---- Be a shadow
MPCASPER ----------- Invisibility
MPSPOOKY -------- Invisible Enemies
mpplayallday ----- infinite lives and ammo
mpkfa ---------------------- godmode
MPBUNZ -------------- Makes Claw Strong
MPAPPLE --------------- Full Health
MPGANDOLF -------------- Full Magic
MPFREAK --------------- Catnip
MPLOADED ------------- Full Ammo
MPSTOPWATCH --------------Timer on the bottom of the screen
MPPOS ------------------ Shows global position
MPFPS --------------- Frames per second
MPOBJECTS ------------Shows # of objects on screen
MPNOINFO ----------- show/hide info for above 4 cheats
MPLITH ----------- Monolith logos & Music
MPMONOLITH --------- Same as the above code
MPLOGO ---------- Same as mplith & mpmonolith
MPMOONGOODIES ------------ Bouncing treasure
MPHAUNTED -------------- Makes Enemies into ghosts
MPSUPERTHROW ------------------- Super Throw mode
MPWIMPY ------------------------- Claw is weak
MPBOTLESS ----------- Toggles the background off/on
MPMIDLESS ----------- Toggles the middle plane off/on
MPTOPLESS --------------- Toggles the foreground off/on
MPBLASTER ------------------------------ Full dynamite
MPDEVHEADS ---- Shows developers heads in place of treasure
MPJAZZY---------------- 320X200 Resolution
MPDEFVID----------------Default Resolution
MPDECVID ----------- Decreases the Resolution
MPINCVID --------------- Increases the Resolution
شفرات لتجاوز المراحل
mpexactly ----------- Advance to level 2
mpracerohboy ---------- Advance to level 3
mpbuddywhat ---------Advance to level 4
mpmugger ----------Advance to level 5
mpgoofcycle--------- Advance to level 6
mprotarypower ---------Advance to level 7
mpshibshank ------------Advance to level 8
mpwhyzedf --------------- Advance to level 9
mpsuperhawk ------------ Advance to level 10
mpjobnumber ------------Advance to level 11
mplistenandlearn ------------- Advance to level 12
mpyeahright --------------- Advance to level 13
mpclawteamrulez-------------- Advance to level 14
mpskinner ------------Advance to Boss Level
mpmoulder ------------Return to previous level
اللعبة من رفعى انا والرابط يعمل 100%
لمن لديه مشاكل فى فك الضغط لتحميل برنامج فك الضغط
winrar كرستال
اضغــــط هنـــــــا