Wadi Rayan in Fayoum Governorate:Date of Announcement: 1989
Area: 1759 km 2
Type: protected resources and the development of a natural national heritage
Distance from Cairo: 150 km
Characterized by the Wadi El Rayan desert environment integrated with
its sand dunes, natural springs, water bodies and wide and various
plant life and wild animals and a variety of important marine
excavations and diverse as the Al Rayyan area lakes calm and natural
environment free from pollution. The Wadi El Rayan following important
Central Cascades
Areas are formed by groupings agricultural drainage water. It is a place for various sea sports.
The eyes of Al Rayyan
Consisting of longitudinal sand dunes, mobile intensive and there are
four natural sulfur springs, and is characterized by the presence of
plants containing 16 species of desert plants and about 15 species of
wild animals feeding mainly deer and white Egyptian deer, fennec, sand
fox, red foxes, and other 16 species of reptiles and over the 100
species of resident and migratory birds.
Jebel Al-Rayyan - Mount Almcajabijp
And includes the deep gullies and rock Mufelloukp know, one of the
favorite places to see a panorama of Wadi El Rayan and picnics.
Whales valley
Is an area of the excavations in the northwest of the Wadi Rayan
protectorate dated back to about 40 million years old, these fossils of
the structures of the fossilized teeth of sharks and primitive sharks
and shellfish and other marine animals, which is an open museum also has
a plant within the rocks Aelchorp fossilized soft.
The importance of Wadi El Rayan because it is a natural environment for
endangered animals such as deer and white Egyptian deer, fox fennec,
sand fox, wolf, and rare migratory birds such as falcons and a
hawk-Ghazal and Peregrine Falcon and punishment Alencary p relented and
other migratory birds such as ducks and relented p quail Altvlq
relented and p heron and goats, and others. Wild plants, such as: Aqool
- zygoghyllum - Acol - rush - the jungle - reeds - Algrdq - Halfa, and